


2009年09月13日 浏览量: 评论(0) 来源:中国科学院昆明动物研究所 作者:佚名 责任编辑:lascn


牛虻在我国作为传统的抗血栓药物而长期使用,但其抗血栓的分子机制和物质基础还不清楚,在去年该团队对牛虻抗血栓功能物质进行研究并取得了重要进展的基础上(Mol Cell Proteomics. 2008;7:582-90),该团队在该领域继续深入研究并再次取得重要进展,全面解析了牛虻作为传统的抗血栓药物的物质基础以及从其宿主成功获取血液的分子机制。该成果为开发新型安全的抗血栓药物提供了丰富的分子资源,同时也为生物防治牛虻提供了大量的作用靶标。该研究结果已于2009年9月正式发表于国际著名学术刊物《分子与细胞蛋白质组学》(Mol Cell Proteomics) (2009;8:2071-9)。该研究工作得到了国际同行的高度评价,他们认为“这项研究是采用蛋白质组学手段研究非模式物种生物活性物质的一个典范”。


Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 8:2071-2079, 2009.

Anti-thrombosis Repertoire of Blood-feeding Horsefly Salivary Glands*,

Dongying Ma, Yipeng Wang, Hailong Yang, Jing Wu,, Shu An, Li Gao, Xueqing Xu, and Ren Lai,

From the Biotoxin Units of Key Laboratory of Animal Models and Human Disease Mechanisms, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650223, Yunnan, China,

**Life Sciences College of Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu, China,
School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China, and
Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100009, China

Blood-feeding arthropods rely heavily on the pharmacological properties of their saliva to get a blood meal and suppress immune reactions of hosts. Little information is available on antihemostatic substances in horsefly salivary glands although their saliva has been thought to contain wide range of physiologically active molecules. In traditional Eastern medicine, horseflies are used as anti-thrombosis material for hundreds of years. By proteomics coupling transcriptome analysis with pharmacological testing, several families of proteins or peptides, which exert mainly on anti-thrombosis functions, were identified and characterized from 60,000 pairs of salivary glands of the horsefly Tabanus yao Macquart (Diptera, Tabanidae). They are: (I) ten fibrin(ogen)olytic enzymes, which hydrolyze specially alpha chain of fibrin(ogen) and are the first family of fibrin(ogen)olytic enzymes purified and characterized from arthropods; (II) another fibrin(ogen)olytic enzyme, which hydrolyzes both alpha and beta chain of fibrin(ogen); (III) ten Arg-Gly-Asp-motif containing proteins acting as platelet aggregation inhibitors; (IV) five thrombin inhibitor peptides; (V) three vasodilator peptides; (VI) one apyrase acting as platelet aggregation inhibitor; (VII) one peroxidase with both platelet aggregation inhibitory and vasodilator activities. The first three families are belonging to antigen five proteins, which show obvious similarity with insect allergens. They are the first members of the antigen 5 family found in salivary glands of blood sucking arthropods to have anti-thromobosis function. The current results imply a possible evolution from allergens of blood-sucking insects to anti-thrombosis agents. The extreme diversity of horsefly anti-thrombosis components also reveals the anti-thrombosis molecular mechanisms of the traditional Eastern medicine insect material.

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