


2016年03月11日 浏览量: 评论(0) 来源:《PLoS One》期刊 作者:《PLoS One》期刊 责任编辑:admin
摘要:近日,,国际知名学术期刊《PLoS One》在线发表中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所胚胎工程与繁殖科技创新团队题为《Testicular busulfan injection in mice to prepare recipients for spermatogonial stem cell transplantation is safe and non-toxic 》的研究论文。

近日,,国际知名学术期刊《PLOS ONE》在线发表中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所胚胎工程与繁殖科技创新团队题为《Testicular busulfan injection in mice to prepare recipients for spermatogonial stem Cell transplantation is safe and non-toxic 》的研究论文,这是该团队在小鼠精原干细胞移植受体制备研究领域取得的最新进展。硕士研究生秦玉圣为文章第一作者,王栋研究员为通讯作者。

研究团队以实施“睾丸注射白消安制备小鼠精原干细胞移植受体与安全评估”研究项目为依托,以小鼠为模式动物的精原干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells,SSCs)移植受体制备技术研究及安全分析等研究成果,通过SSCs移植,移植受体成功产生供体源精子,并通过与雌鼠交配产下了供体源后代;该技术不但取得了良好的SSCs受体制备效果,而且减少了毒性药物使用剂量,减少了对受体造血器官的毒害作用,避免了传统制备技术的受体高致死率,安全性大大提高,为家养动物SSCs受体制备提供了重要参考。

原文摘要:Current methods of administering busulfan to remove the endogenous germ cells cause hematopoietic toxicity, require special instruments and a narrow transplantation time. We use a direct testicular injection of busulfan method for preparing recipients for SSC transplantation. Male ICR mice (recipients) were divided into four groups, and two experimental groups were treated with a bilateral testicular injection of 4 or 6 mg/kg/side busulfan (n = 60 per concentration group). Mice received an intraperitoneal injection (i.p.) of 40 mg/kg busulfan (n = 60, positive control) and bilateral testicular injections of 50% DMSO (n = 60, negative control). Donor SSCs from RFP-transgenic C57BL/6J mice were introduced into the seminiferous tubules of each recipient testis via efferent duct injection on day 16–17 after busulfan treatment. Recipient mice mated with mature female ICR mice and the number of progeny was recorded. The index detected at day 14, 21, 28, 35 and 70 after busulfan treatment. Blood analysis shows that the toxicity of busulfan treated groups was much lower than i.p. injection groups. Fertility was restored in mice treated with busulfan and donor-derived offspring were obtained after SSC transplantation. Our study indicated that intratesticular injection busulfan for the preparation of recipients in mice is safe and feasible.

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