


2010年12月23日 浏览量: 评论(0) 来源:生物通 作者:佚名 责任编辑:lwc
摘要:来自中山大学生命科学学院,有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室等处的研究人员通过长期致力于文昌鱼免疫系统的研究,发现外源性细胞凋亡信号通路(又称死亡受体诱导凋亡通路)在文昌鱼中已经形成,这改写了传统及现行教科书的观点,将外源性凋亡信号通路的形成往前推进了近一亿年。这一研究成果以Research Article的形式发表在国际著名杂志《Science》子刊《Science Signaling》上。
来自中山大学生命科学学院,有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室等处的研究人员通过长期致力于文昌鱼免疫系统的研究,发现外源性细胞凋亡信号通路(又称死亡受体诱导凋亡通路)在文昌鱼中已经形成,这改写了传统及现行教科书的观点,将外源性凋亡信号通路的形成往前推进了近一亿年。这一研究成果以Research Article的形式发表在国际著名杂志《Science》子刊《Science Signaling》上,并被作为信号传导进化专题报道的推荐文章。

领导这一研究的是中山大学副校长徐安龙教授,其早年毕业于中山大学,曾师从美国国家科学院院士HM Ranney。1996年回国工作,目前主要研究方向是免疫学的基础研究和生物制药的应用研究等。




《Science Signaling》对这一成果进行了评论,认为这一研究成果除了证明了外源性通路不是脊椎动物所特有之外,还为阐明蛋白结构域重组产生新的细胞信号传导模式,提供了一个崭新的机制和演化过程。



Characterization of the Extrinsic Apoptotic Pathway in the Basal Chordate Amphioxus

Abstract: The death receptor (DR)–mediated apoptosis pathway is thought to be unique to vertebrates. However, the presence of DR-encoding genes in the sea urchin and the basal chordate amphioxus prompted us to reconsider, especially given that amphioxus contains 14 DR proteins and hundreds of death domain (DD)–containing adaptor proteins. To understand how the extrinsic apoptotic pathway was originally established and what the differences in signaling are between invertebrates and vertebrates, we performed functional studies of several genes that encode DDs in the amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense (Bbt). First, we observed that the increased abundance of Bbt Fas-associated death domain 1 (BbtFADD1) in HeLa cells resulted in the formation of death effector filamentous structures in the cytoplasm and the activation of the nuclear factor B pathway, whereas BbtFADD2 protein was restricted to the nucleus, although its death effector domain induced apoptosis when in the cytoplasm. We further demonstrated that formation of a FADD–caspase-8 complex recruited amphioxus DR1 (BbtDR1), which bound to the adaptor proteins CRADD or TRAF6 (tumor necrosis factor receptor–associated factor 6) to convey distinct signals, ranging from apoptosis to gene activation. Thus, our study not only reveals the evolutionary origin of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway in a basal chordate but also adds to our understanding of the similarities and differences between invertebrate and vertebrate FADD signaling.

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