Physiology and Behaviour:小鼠体内发现双相性信息素分子
中国科学院动物研究所等单位的科学家最近从模式动物——小鼠的特化气味腺(包皮腺和阴蒂腺)中发现两个新的半挥发性信息素分子(16碳醇和16醇乙酸脂),并证明它们具有剂量依赖的、双相性吸引效应。此发现是该组研究人员在他们去年推定的多个小鼠性信息素成分(Chemical Senses 32:293-303)的基础上,进一步对其功能测定的结果。
主要成果于7月9日在国际行为神经科学学会(IBNS)官方杂志——爱思唯尔期刊《生理与行为》(Physiology and Behaviour)在线发表。三个审稿人认为,该论文在坚实的GC-MS分析基础上,对两个新的信息素成分的特性进行了扼要探索,是原创性的,对增加哺乳动物气味及性别和个体识别的知识做出了贡献。
Physiology and Behaviour,doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2008.07.002,Jian-Xu Zhang, Ying-Juan Liu, Jin-Hua Zhang and Lixing Sun
Dual role of preputial gland secretion and its major components in sex recognition of mice
Jian-Xu Zhanga, Ying-Juan Liua, Jin-Hua Zhanga and Lixing Sunc
aState Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents in Agriculture, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Datun Road, Beijing 100101, China bSchool of Biological Sciences, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China cDepartment of Biological Sciences, Central Washington University, Ellensburg WA98926-7537, USA
This study was aimed at validating the sexual attractiveness of hexadecanol and hexadecyl acetate, two putative pheromone compounds, from preputial gland secretion of mice. These two compounds have been reported to be among the major components of preputial gland secretion in both sexes but higher in quantity in males than females. In this study, we show that castration suppressed the production of the two compounds, further suggesting their association with maleness. Adding preputial gland secretion and the synthetic analogs of the two compounds to castrated male urine at their physiological levels in intact males increased the attractiveness of castrated male urine to female mice, showing that the two compounds were indeed male pheromones. Furthermore, their sexual attractiveness disappeared upon removing the vomeronasal organs (VNOs) from female recipients. Replenishing castrated male urine with preputial gland secretion and the two compounds at their physiological levels in females increased the attractiveness of castrated male urine to males. Such a reversal of sexual attractiveness for hexadecanol and hexadecyl acetate suggests that they had opposing dual effects in sexual attractiveness in a dosage-dependent manner.
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