
2014年03月12日 浏览量: 评论(0) 来源: 作者: 责任编辑:admin

二、报 人:张彦 博士
三、主 人:顾为望教授
四、时   间: 20131217 (周二)上午930
五、地    点:南方医科大学行政楼东侧秋水堂二楼月色厅

张彦博士为美国兽医微生物学家学院院士,美国兽医诊断师学会病毒委员会主席 ,俄亥俄州农业部动物疫病诊断实验室-美国疾病控制预防中心/美国农业部动植物检疫局重要疫病和生物安全三级实验室首席调研员,2002年博士毕业于华盛顿州立大学兽医学院兽医微生物学专业。







张彦  博士

Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory

Ohio Department of Agriculture

Reynoldsburg, Ohio  43068


雷诺兹堡, 俄亥俄州43068



电话Phone: 614-728-6220

传真Fax: 614-728-6310

手机Cell: 614-446-8686

Education: 学历背景


  • 2002, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary Medicine Washington State University, Pullman, Washington


  • 1991, Masters of Science, Fishery Resources, College of Wildlife, Fishery, and Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho


  • 1985, Masters of Science, Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China


  • 1982, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China




?  2006-present, Diplomat, American College of Veterinary Microbiologists

      2006年至今,   美国兽医微生物学家学院院士

?  2006-present, Principle Investigator, ADDL, Ohio Dept. of Agriculture, CDC/USDA - APHIS Select Agent Programs and BSL-3 laboratory

2006年至今,  俄亥俄州农业部动物疫病诊断实验室-美国疾病控制预防中心/美国农业部动植物检疫局重要疫病和生物安全三级实验室首席调研员

?  2005-2006, Section Head of Bacteriology, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Ohio Department of Agriculture, Reynoldsburg, Ohio

       2005-2006 ,  俄亥俄州农业部动物疫病诊断实验室细菌室主任

?  2002-present, Veterinary Virologist/Section Head of Virology, Avian Serology, and Molecular Diagnostics, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Ohio Department of Agriculture, Reynoldsburg, Ohio

     2002至今, 俄亥俄州农业部动物疫病诊断实验室禽病血清学及分子生物学诊断室主任/兽医病毒学专家

?  1996-2002, Veterinary Microbiology Resident/PhD trainee, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington

     1996-2002, 华盛顿州立大学兽医学院兽医微生物学住院医师/博士研究生

?  1998-2002, NIH Research Fellow, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington

      1998-2002, 美国卫生部国家健康研究院(NIH研究学者华盛顿州立大学兽医学院

?  1996-1998, Graduate Fellow, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington

      1996-1998, 华盛顿州立大学兽医学院研究生

?  1991-1996, Microbiologist, Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory

Washington State University, Pullman, Washington

1991-1996, 华盛顿州立大学华盛顿动物疫病诊断实验室微生物专家

?  1988-1991, Research Assistant, Department of Wildlife, Fishery, and Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

      1988-1991, 爱达荷大学自然资源学院渔业资源专业研究助理

?  1987-1988, Instructor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China

      1987-1988, 新疆农业大学动医学院讲师

?  1985-1987, Assistant Teacher, College of Veterinary Medicine, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China

       1985-1987, 新疆农业大学动医学院助教

?  1983-1985, Graduate Trainee Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China

      1983-1985 新疆农业大学动医学院研究生




  • US patent in preparation, Methods for diagnosis of Chlamydia and Chlamydophila infections in human and animals

美国专利 ,申请中,人兽共患衣原体和嗜衣原体感染的诊断方法   

  • US patent 7,323,178, Method of identification of equine herpes virus type 1 causing neurological disease, method of producing a vaccine against neurological disease caused by equine herpes virus type 1, and vaccine against neurological disease caused by equine herpes virus type 1, 2008

美国专利7,323,178  马疱疹病毒1型引起的神经系统性疾病的鉴定方法,疫苗及其制作方法,2008

  • High throughput robotics for RNA extraction and amplification, 2008

高通量自动化RNA 提取和扩增资格认证,2008

  • Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Course, Certificate, 2007


  • Personal Protective Equipment Certification, 2007


  • Bloodborne Pathogens Certification, 2006


  • Diplomat, American College of Veterinary Microbiologists, 2006


  • U.S. Department of Agriculture, Incident Command System (ICS)100 Certification 2006


  • U.S. Department of Agriculture, Incident Command System (ICS) 200 Certification 2006


  • BSL-3 Laboratory Practices and Procedures Certification, 2006


  • Mass Poultry Disposal & Euthanasia Training and Certification 2006


  • Biosafety and Biosecurity in Animal Research and Veterinary Clinics Certification, 2006


  • Train for the Trainer Certification: Real-time RT-PCR for FMDV and CSFV, 2005

资格认证:口蹄疫病毒和猪瘟病毒的实时 RT-PCR方法

  • Real-time RT-PCR for AI/END Certification, 2003

禽流感实时 RT-PCR方法资格认证,2003



  • 1996-present American Society of Microbiology

1996年至今, 美国微生物学学会会员

  • 2002-present American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnostician
  • 2002年至今  美国兽医实验诊断学家学会会员
  • 2002-present,  Ohio Cattle and Ruminant Health Advisor Committee

2002年至今 俄亥俄州牛及反刍动物健康顾问委员会委员

  • 2002-present,  Ohio Horse Health Advisor Committee

2002年至今 俄亥俄州马属动物健康顾问委员会委员

  • 2002-present,  Ohio Swine Health Advisor Committee

2002年至今 俄亥俄州家猪健康顾问委员会委员

  • 2002-present,  Ohio Poultry Health Advisor Committee

2002年至今 俄亥俄州家禽健康顾问委员会委员

  • 2002-present, Ohio Aquaculture Health Advisor Committee


  • 2006-present,  NAHLN Technical Working Group

2006年至今, NAHLN(美国国家动物健康实验室网络)科学技术委员会委员

  • 2006-present, Diplomat, American College of Veterinary Microbiologists

2006年至今 美国兽医微生物学家学院院士

  • 2010-present, VHS Technical Working Group


  • 2010-presentCo-chairman, Veterinary Virology Committee, AAVLD

2010年至今,   美国兽医诊断师学会病毒委员会主席 



v  Yan Zhang, Jing Cui, Jason Herr, and Beverly Byrum. Detection and Differentiation of Equine Herpesvirus 1 by Real-Time PCR and Pyrosequencing. AAVLD 54th Annual Conference. October, 2012

v  Yan Zhang, Jing Cui, Anne Parkinson, Jason Herr, Troy Farrell, and Beverly Byrum. Isolation of a Pelistega-like organism from a urethral swab of a horse.  AAVLD 54th Annual Conference. October, 2012

v  Yan Zhang, Jing Cui, Mary Beth Weisner, Anne Parkinson, Eric Brandt, Rick Bokanyi, Brittany Orlando, Rhiannon Schneider, Jason Herr, and Beverly Byrum. Outbreaks of Salmonellosis associated with animals. AAVLD 54th Annual Conference. October, 2012

v  Yan Zhang, Jing Cui, Anne Parkinson, Troy Farrell, and Beverly Byrum.

v  Isolation of Actinobaculum-like organism from a goat abscess. AAVLD 54th Annual Conference. October, 2012

v  Jeff Hayes, Yan Zhang, Jing Cui, Anne Parkinson, Mary Beth Weisner, Beverly Byrum. Pyogranulomatous dermatitis associated with Mycobacterium smegmatis in a cat. AAVLD 54th Annual Conference. October, 2012

v  Yan Zhang, Jing Cui, Anne Parkinson, Troy Farrell, and Beverly Byrum. Isolation of a Campylobacter-like organism from a goat abscess. AAVLD 54th Annual Conference. October, 2012

v  Yan Zhang. Veterinary Medicine education and resident training in the United States of American. Xinjiang Agricultural University 60th Anniversary. September, 2012

v  Yan Zhang. Veterinarian Accreditation in the United States of American. Xinjiang Agricultural University. 10th Deans’ joint Annual Conference of College of Veterinary Medicine of China.  August, 2012

v  Yan Zhang, Jing Cui, Alex Hamberg, David Newman, Jeff Hayes, Tony Forshey, and Beverly Byrum. Equine herpesvirus 1 outbreak at a racetrack in Ohio. AAVLD 53th Annual Conference. September, 2011

v  Yan Zhang, Jing Cui, Anne Parkinson, Mary Beth Weisner, and Beverly Byrum. Isolation of a Clostridium perfringens type D isolate producing β2 toxin and enterotoxin from a calf with diarrhea.  AAVLD 53th Annual Conference. September, 2011

v  D. Givens, K. Kurt, and Y. Zhang. Diagnosis of a bull with testicular persistent BVD virus infection.  AAVLD 53th Annual Conference. September, 2011

v  M. Daniel Givens, K. T. Kurth, Y. Zhang, M. S. Marley Characteristics of a rare case of persistent testicular infection with type 1a bovine viral diarrhea virus European Society for Veterinary Virology 8th Pestivirus Symposium. Hannover, Germany, September, 2011

v  Yan Zhang. Diagnostic laboratory in prevention, control, and surveillance of infectious diseases. Infectious disease workshop. June, 2011

v  Y. Zhang. Diagnostic Lab Test Results: Perils and Pitfalls of Interpretation. 123th Annual Ohio Veterinary Medical Association conference. February, 2011

v  A. Ali, K. Hayes-Ozello, M. Khatri, A. Eladl, J.B. Daniels, Y. Zhang, L. Mathes, and C-W. Lee. Influenza Infection in Cats. 2010 CRWAD Meeting. December, 2010

v  Y. Zhang, D. Newman, J. Cui, A. Parkinson, and B. Byrum. Isolation of a new Corynebacterium like bacterium from a cow with septicemia. AAVLD 52th Annual Conference. November, 2010

v  J. Cui, Y. Zhang, A. Parkinson, and B. Byrum. Isolation of a new Streptococcus-like bacterium from a goat abscess. AAVLD 52th Annual Conference. November, 2010

v  J. Cui, Y. Zhang, A. Parkinson, and B. Byrum. Isolation of a new Streptococcus-like bacterium from a goat abscess. AAVLD 52th Annual Conference. November, 2010

v  Y. Zhang, J. Cui, A. Parkinson, M. B. Weisner, and B. Byrum.  Isolation of a Streptococcus-like organism from the milk of a cow with mastitis. AAVLD 52th Annual Conference. November, 2010

v  Y. Zhang, Poultry disease and public health, 122th Annual Ohio Veterinary Medical Association conference. February, 2010

v  M.L. Killian, Y. Zhang, B. Panigrahy, D. Trampel, K.J. Yoon. Identification and characterization of H2N3 avian influenza virus from backyard poultry and comparison to novel H2N3 swine influenza virus. AAVLD 51th Annual Conference. October, 2009

v  Y. Zhang, J. Hayes, J. Cui, K. Laurence, Jason Herr, and B. Byrum. An Outbreak of Epizootic hemorrhagic disease in a captive deer herd. AAVLD 51th Annual Conference. October, 2009

v  Y. Zhang, J. Cui, Anne Parkinson, M. B. Weisner, and B. Byrum. Isolation of Rothia-like organism from a goat abscess. AAVLD 51th Annual Conference. October, 2009

v  Y. Zhang, J. Cui, K. Ott, and B. Byrum. Development of a realtime RT-PCR for detection of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus. AAVLD 51th Annual Conference. October, 2009

v  Y. Zhang, Deep sequencing technology. Ohio Dept. of Agriculture. September 2009.

v  Y. Zhang, Hepatitis E virus and public health. International conference on Food, environment, and public health. Xian, China. June, 2009

v  Y. Zhang, Swine influenza virus and public health. Institute of Public Health, The Ohio State University. March, 2009

v  Y. Zhang, Recent zoonotic infectious disease investigation in Ohio. 121th Annual Ohio Veterinary Medical Association conference. February, 2009

v  Y. Zhang, J. Cui, A. Parkinson, M. Weisner, C. Sarver, J. Hayes, K. Ott, and B. Byrum. Failure of detection of Clostridium septicum using the direct florescent antibody test. AAVLD 50th Annual Conference. October, 2008

v  Y. Zhang, J. Cui, A. Parkinson, J. Hayes, K. Ott, and B. Byrum. Isolation of Helcococcus ovis from sheep with pleuritis and bronchopneumonia. AAVLD 50th Annual Conference. October, 2008

v  Y. Zhang, J. Cui, A. Parkinson, J. Thilsted, J. Hayes, K. Ott, and B. Byrum. Isolation of Arcanobacterium hippocoleae from an aborted equine fetus AAVLD 50th Annual Conference. October, 2008

v  Y. Zhang. RRT-PCR for Avian Influenza, Instructor/Trainer, Yerevan, Armenia. September, 2007

v  Y. Zhang. RRT-PCR for Avian Influenza.  Avian Influenza Diagnostic Workshop 2007, Trainer, Taiwan. May, 2007

v  Y. Zhang. Avian Influenza and Surveillance in Ohio and USA.Ohio Avian Influenza and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness. March, 2007

v  Y. Zhang. Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia. 47th Annual Ohio fish and wildlife conference. February, 2007

v  Y. Zhang. Surveillance and diagnosis of avian influenza viruses in Ohio. Ohio avian influenza preparedness for Public Health. September, 2006

v  Y. Zhang, A. Parkinson, J. Cui, K. Ott, and B. Byrum. Isolation of Nicoletella semolina from a horse imported from Germany. AAVLD 48th Annual Conference. October, 2006

v  J. Cui, Y. Zhang, A. Parkinson, W. Shellabarger, and B. Byrum. Isolation of a new species of Dermatophilus from a skin abscess of a turtle. Case presentation; AAVLD 48th Annual Conference. October, 2006

v  J. R. Hayes, C. M. Almgren , S. D. Grimes, Y. Zhang,  Mycoplasma bovis in wild and captive white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Ohio: The other M. bovis in deer. Case presentation. AAVLD 48th Annual Conference. October, 2006

v  Y. Zhang, S. Rajeev, S. Grimes, M. Saif, and B. Byrum. Severe reduction in egg production caused by H3N2 influenza virus in a Turkey Farm in Ohio.  AAVLD 47th Annual Conference. October, 2004

v  Y. Zhang. Bovine viral diarrhea. 116th Annual Ohio Veterinary Medical Association conference. February, 2004

v  Y. Zhang, S. Rajeev, S. Grimes, and B. Byrum. Outbreak of neurological disease in houses caused by equine herpesvirus 1. AAVLD 46th Annual Conference. October, 2003

v  Y. Zhang. Diagnoses of infectious diseases using molecular techniques. 115th Annual Ohio Veterinary Medical Association conference. February, 2003



1.      Y. Zhang, J. Cui, A. Parkinson, J. Thilsted, J. Hayes, K. Ott, and B. Byrum. Submitted. Isolation of Arcanobacterium hippocoleae from an aborted equine fetus.

2.      Killian ML, Swenson SL, Vincent AL, Landgraf JG, Shu B, Lindstrom S, Xu X, Klimov A, Zhang Y, Bowman AS. 2012. Simultaneous Infection of Pigs and People with Triple-Reassortant Swine Influenza Virus H1N1 at a U.S. County Fair. Zoonoses Public Health. 10:1863-2378

3.      M. L. Killian, S. L. Swenson, A. L. Vincent, J. G. Landgraf, B. Shu, S. Lindstrom, X. Xu, A. Klimov, Y. Zhang, A. Bowman. Simultaneous Infection of Pigs and People with Classical Swine Influenza Virus H1N1 at a U.S. County Fair. Submitted.

4.      A. Ali, J.B. Daniels, Y. Zhang, A. Rodriguez-Palacios, K. Hayes-Ozello,                    L. Mathes, and C-W. Lee. 2011. Pandemic and Seasonal Human Influenza Virus Infections in Domestic Cats: Prevalence, Association with Respiratory Disease, and Seasonality Pattern. J. Clin. Micro. 49:4101-5.

5.      M. Killian, Y. Zhang, B. Panigrahy, D. Trampe, K. Yoon. 2011. Identification and characterization of H2N3 avian influenza virus from backyard poultry and comparison to novel H2N3 swine influenza virus. Avian Dis. 55:611-9.

6.      Z. Qin, T. Clements, L. Wang, M. Khatri, S. P. S. Pillai, Y. Zhang, J. T. LeJeune, C. W. Lee. 2010. Detection of influenza viral gene in European starlings and experimental infection. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses DOI: 10: 1-8.

7.      H. M. Yassine, Y. Zhang, C. W. Lee, B. A. Byrum, and Y. M. Saif. 2009.  Genetic characterization of triple reassortant H1N1 influenza A viruses from pigs in Ohio. Vet Microbiol. 139:132-9

8.      A. L. Vincent, S. L. Swenson, K. M. Lager, P. C. Gauger, C. Loiacono, and Y. Zhang. 2009. Characterization of an influenza A virus isolated from pigs during an outbreak of respiratory disease in swine and people during a county fair in the United States. Vet Microbiol. Vet Microbiol. 137: 51-9.

9.      Y. Zhang, J. Cui, A. Parkinson, J. Hayes, K. Ott, and B. Byrum. 2009. Isolation of Helcococcus ovis from sheep with pleuritis and bronchopneumonia. J Vet Diagn Invest. 21:164-6

10.  S. Krakowka, C. Hartunian, A. Hamberg, D. Shoup, M. Rings, Y. Zhang, G. Allan, J. A. Ellis. 2008. Evaluation of induction of porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome in gnotobiotic pigs with negative results for porcine circovirus type 2. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 69: 1615-1622

11.  S. Rajeev, W. Shulaw, R. Berghaus, Y. Zhang, and B. Byrum. 2006. A testing scheme for the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in bovine feces utilizing the ESP para-JEM liquid culture system. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 18:529-35

12.  S. Rajeev, Y. Zhang, S. Sreevatsan, A.S. Motiwala, and B. Byrum. 2005. Evaluation of multiple genomic targets for identification and confirmation of Mycobacterium avian subsp. paratuberculosis isolates using real-time PCR. Veterinary Microbiology. 105:215-21

13.  Y. Tang, C. W. LEE, Y. Zhang, D. A. Senne, R. Dearth, B. Byrum, D. R. Perez, D. L. Suarez, and Y. M. Saif. 2005. Isolation and characterization of H3N2 influenza A virus from turkeys. Avian Diseases. 49:207-13

14.  Y. Zhang. G. H. Palmer, J. R. Abbott, C. J. Howard, J. C. Hope, W. C. Brown. 2003. CpG ODN 2006 and IL-12 are comparable for priming Th1 lymphocyte and IgG responses in cattle immunized with a rickettsial outer membrane protein in alum. Vaccine. 21:3307-18.

Y. Zhang., L. K. M. Shoda, K. A. Brayton, D. M. Estes, G. H. Palmer, and W. C. Brown. 2001. Induction of interleukin-6 and Iinterleukin-12 in bovine B lymphocytes, monocytes, and macrophages by a CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN 2059) containing the GTCGTT motif. Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research. 21:871-881.