摘要 : 麦基尔大学等处的科学家通过研究揭示了控制大脑记忆的神经回路及动态学机制,该机制同时也是海马体发挥重要作用的基本元件。相关文章发表于2014年8月31日的《Nature Neuroscience》杂志上。
近些年来,研究者Sylvain Williams及其同事才开始着手重点研究大脑神经回路的动态学机制,研究者表示,记忆编码和提取的过程需要海马体中成千上万个神经元的活化,尽管如此,研究者们对于该过程所涉及的神经回路依然知之甚少。
Reversal of theta rhythm flow through intact hippocampal circuits
Jesse Jackson, Bénédicte Amilhon, Romain Goutagny, Jean-Bastien Bott, Frédéric Manseau, Christian Kortleven, Steven L Bressler & Sylvain Williams
Activity flow through the hippocampus is thought to arise exclusively from unidirectional excitatory synaptic signaling from CA3 to CA1 to the subiculum. Theta rhythms are important for hippocampal synchronization during episodic memory processing; thus, it is assumed that theta rhythms follow these excitatory feedforward circuits. To the contrary, we found that theta rhythms generated in the rat subiculum flowed backward to actively modulate spike timing and local network rhythms in CA1 and CA3. This reversed signaling involved GABAergic mechanisms. However, when hippocampal circuits were physically limited to a lamellar slab, CA3 outputs synchronized CA1 and the subiculum using excitatory mechanisms, as predicted by classic hippocampal models. Finally, analysis of in vivo recordings revealed that this reversed theta flow was most prominent during REM sleep. These data demonstrate that communication between CA3, CA1 and the subiculum is not exclusively unidirectional or excitatory and that reversed inhibitory theta signaling also contributes to intrahippocampal synchrony.