
来源:挪威奥斯陆大学 发布时间:2020年09月22日 浏览次数: 【字体: 收藏 打印文章


The Evandro F. Fang group at the University of Oslo, Norway is recruiting Ph.D. students and postdoc fellows (with research topics covering molecular mechanisms of ageing, Alzheimer´s disease, and AI-based anti-ageing drug development) (valid for 10+ years) 

课题组介绍 (About the Fang lab)

Evandro F. Fang(方飞)教授课题组正在研究人类衰老,阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)和基于人工智能(AI)药物研发和临床试验。方于2012年在香港中文大学完成生物化学博士课程培训(导师Tzi Bun Ng讲座教授),之后在美国老龄化研究所(NIA)开始了为期5年的博士后研究金,师从Vilhelm Bohr(其祖父Niles Bohr父亲Aage Bohr皆为诺贝尔物理学奖得主)教授一起开展DNA修复和线粒体自噬研究,并跟随Mark Mattson教授学习神经退行性疾病的发病机制和药物研发。 

2017年10月,他在挪威奥斯陆大学(https://evandrofanglab.com/)建立了自己的独立实验室。方课题组是一个国际团队,现有6位博士后,3位博士生,共15+学生,来自10多个国家 (挪威,丹麦,奥地利,波兰,泰国,中国,英国,智利,西班牙,意大利,加拿大等等)。他的实验室致力于研究细胞清除受损和老化的线粒体的分子机制(线粒体自噬)以及线线粒体自噬在AD中的作用。 NAD+是生命和健康中的基本分子,他的研究小组正在研究NAD+如何减轻衰老和AD病症。他非常着迷,并积极参与和领导转化医学研究,包括领导1项和参与4项基于NAD+的临床试验。方课题组终极目标是建立新颖,安全的生物学方法达到更长寿和健康的生活。

他在国际同行评审期刊上发表了70多篇论文,其中包括Cell,Cell Metabolism,Nature Reviews MCB和Nature Neuroscience方面的论文。他获得了多个奖项,包括2014年,2015年美国国立卫生研究院杰出研究奖(美国),2016年巴特勒-威廉姆斯老龄学者奖(美国),2017年FRIMEDBIO青年研究人才奖(挪威),2017年ERC起始奖学金的决赛入围者,以及癌症协会2020年粉红丝带奖(挪威)。 2020年2月28日,他获得了挪威皇家科学院Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers颁发的DKNVS“ 2020年自然科学青年科学家科学奖” 挪威)。

更多有关方课题组(包括具体研究课题,实验室成员等等) https://evandrofanglab.com (VPN may needed to open it up)

奥斯陆大学博士研究生课程 要求和介绍 (https://www.med.uio.no/english/research/phd/application/how-to-apply/)方课题组会协助学生申请国家留学基金管理委员会 CSC4年博士留学奖学金。

有意向的学生直接联系方教授 (附上详细简历) Emails: evandrofeifang@yahoo.com ; e.f.fang@medisin.uio.no

The Evandro F. Fang group are investigating the molecular mechanisms of human aging, age-predisposed Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and artificial intelligence (AI)- based drug development for pathological ageing and AD. After finished his Ph.D. training in Biochemistry with Chair Professor Tzi Bun Ng at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2012, Fang started a 5-year postdoctoral fellowship at the National Institute on Aging USA with Professor Vilhelm Bohr on DNA repair and mitophagy in accelerated ageing, and with Professor Mark Mattson on NAD+ in neurodegeneration. 

In September 2017, he established his independent laboratory at The University of Oslo, Norway (https://evandrofanglab.com/). The Fang group is an international team, including 6 post-doctoral fellows, 3 doctoral students, with 15+ students from more than 10 countries (Norway, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Thailand, China, UK, Chile, Spain, Italy, Canada, etc.). His laboratory is focusing on the molecular mechanisms of how cells clear their damaged and aged mitochondria, a process termed “mitophagy”, as well as the roles of mitophagy in AD. NAD+ is a fundamental molecule in life and health, and his group is investigating the molecular mechanisms on how NAD+ alleviates ageing and age- predisposed neurodegeneration, especially AD. He is fascinated with and actively engaged in moving his laboratory findings to translational applications, as involved in 5 NAD+-based clinical trials, with the overarching goal to establish novel and safe biological approaches to promote longer and healthier human lives. 

He has published over 70 papers in international peer-reviewed journals including papers in Cell, Cell Metabolism, Nature Reviews MCB, and Nature Neuroscience. He has received several awards including The NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence 2014, 2015, the Butler-Williams Scholar on Aging 2016 (USA), a FRIMEDBIO Young Research Talent 2017(Norway), a finalist of the 2017 ERC Starting grant, and the Norwegian Cancer Society Pink Ribbon 2020 Award. On 28th Feb 2020, he received the DKNVS 'scientific award to young scientist in the natural sciences for 2020’ (DKNVS’ vitenskapelige pris til yngre forskere innen naturvitenskap for 2020), by The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters / Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab (DKNVS) (https://evandrofanglab.com/2020/01/09/no-age-members-honor-dknvs-awards/). 

More of the Fang group(e.g., research topics, lab members, publication list etc) https://evandrofanglab.com (VPN may needed to open it up)

More on how to apply for a Ph.D. programme at the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Oslo (https://www.med.uio.no/english/research/phd/application/how-to-apply/). Prof. Fang will give help to prospective candidates on the application of the 4-year CSC Ph.D. fellowship国家留学基金管理委员会。

For prospective students, please send your CV to : evandrofeifang@yahoo.com ; e.f.fang@medisin.uio.no
