实验动物是科技创新重要的支撑条件,广泛涉及多学科多领域和多行业。本论坛在总结、传承前六届成果的基础上,以“提升实验动物福利科技伦理管理规范水平”为宗旨;以“科技进步与动物福利相互促进Good Welfare--Good Science”为主题,探索通过科技进步和政策的完善、借鉴国际公认的管理经验和先进的科技成果,以期加速推动中国实验动物福利科技伦理管理和科技水平的快速提升。
11月8日 Tuesday 8th November ,2022
14:00–14:40 (06.00h-06.40h GMT) 开幕式Opening Ceremony
英国驻华贸易代表John Edwards,5—10 minutes
秦川理事长Prof. Qin Chuan (President of CALAS) 5—10 minutes
论坛组委会英方主席Judy MacArthur Clark 5 minutes
论坛组委会中方主席孙德明(Chairman of Welfare and Ethic Committee ,CALAS) 5 minutes
Judy 和Sun Deming共同宣布论坛开幕 jointly declare the opening of the 7th forum
14:40 – 16:40主题A
Principles of good experimental design and reporting (including ARRIVE & EDA); publish ability of results and common pitfalls; genetic integrity.
Matthew Brooke 36 minutes
Elliot Lilley 9.5 minutes
Huw Golledge 12 minutes
Sara Wells 15.5 minutes
15:55 – 16:40 主题A 讨论
11月9日 Wednesday 9th November, 2022
14:00 – 14:40 主题D
Care, compassion, and resilience; how we can mitigate the emotional cost of caring?
Bella Williams-Lear
14:20 – 14:40 主题D讨论
14:40 – 16:40 主题B
The lifetime experiences of laboratory animals, including cumulative severity, the benefits of training for animals, severe suffering and humane endpoints.
Nuno Franco 14 minutes
Pat Turner 10 minutes
Jan Ottesen 14 minutes
Break (for work sheet task) 10 minutes
Penny Hawkins 15 minutes
Huw Golledge 15 minutes
16:00 – 16:40 主题B 讨论
11月10日 Thursday 10th November, 2022
9:00 – 9:50 主题 E
Practice of welfare ethical review and caring culture in laboratory animal surgery
赵丹慧教授 Professor Zhao DanHui
9:50 – 11:10 主题C
How an accrediting body is applying the standards (including consideration of the new legislation)?
William Pang 22 minutes
Scout Chou 21 minutes
Kathryn Bayne 17 minutes
10:50 – 11:10 主题C 讨论
11:10 – 12:00 主题F
Progresses of new regulations, policies and standards related to the ethical review and supervision of laboratory animal welfare in China since 2018.
孙德明教授Professor Sun Deming
12:00 – 12:20 闭幕式Closing Ceremony
孙德明Sun Deming,5 minutes
Dr Judy MacArthur Clark,5 minutes
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