德国Simi 非人灵长类动物精细行为动作捕捉分析
- 所在地:湖南省长沙市
- 供货总量:1
- 更新时间:2022-06-17
视频图像技术而非红外运动分析技术,用高速和高分辨率摄像机实时记录运动视频并保存;应用无标记点模型匹配和轮廓自动跟踪功能,实现无标记自动跟踪;同步多相机高速录像;基于模型的自动跟踪与标记;应用最新的图像处理算法,并计算得到 2D/3D 数据;行走、跑步、漫步、游泳、抓取、自由活动;设备同步(如:深层大脑信号)。
2016年,瑞士联邦理工学院的神经科学家 Gregoire Courtine通过Blackrock系统结合Simi Motion动作捕捉技术,通过“脑脊柱接口”的神经假体界面的帮助——绕过脊柱受损部分,重新在大脑与中枢神经间搭建起连接——重新获得了对瘫痪腿部的控制,在没有经过训练或物理治疗的情况下,使得两只脊椎中段受伤导致右后腿无法动弹残疾猴四肢能够正常行走。这是人类首次通过神经科技恢复(非人类)灵长类的运动功能,相关论文在 Nature 上发表,其成果有望获得人体试验。
Courtine G. et al. (2009). Transformation of nonfunctional spinal circuits into functional states after the loss of brain input. Nature Neoscience, 12, 1333-1342.
Courtine G., Bingbing S., Roy R.R. et al. (2008). Recovery of supraspinal control of stepping via indirect propriospinal relay connections after spinal cord injury. Nature Medicin, 14 (1) 69-74.
Rosenzweig E.S., Courtine G., Jindrich D.L. et al. (2010). Extensive spontaneous plasticity of corticospinal projections after primate spinal cord injury. Nature Neuroscience, 13 (12) 1505-U90.
Guseva D., Angelov D.N., Irintchev A. & Schachner M. (2009). Ablation of adhesion molecule L1 in mice favours Schwann cell proliferation and functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury. Brain, 132 (8) 2180-2195.
Chen J., Wu J., Apostolova I., Skup M., Irintchev A., Kügler S. & Schachner M. (2007). Adeno-associated virus-mediated L1 expression promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injury. Brain, 130, 954-969.
Alluin O., Wittmann C., Marqueste T. et al. (2009). Functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury and implantation of a collagen guide. Biomaterials, 30 (3) 363-373.
Wang X. et al. (2011). Recovery from chronic spinal cord contusion after nogo receptor intervention. Annals of Neurology, 70 (5) 805-821.
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