Nature Methods:看清活体细胞和组织的化学组成
技术一旦发展起来,研究人员就能把它们应用到新的方面。哥伦比亚大学的Rafael Yuste利用光学手段来测量神经电位。二次谐波发生(SHG)成像技术依赖于排列非常规则的分子产生的超散射光。这些分子具有极强的诱导偶极矩,或者特定的电荷分布。Yuste对位于神经元细胞膜这类分子非常感兴趣——因为电场贯穿其中。由于二次谐波信号和电场强度直接成比例,因而可以自动获得电压信号。
Nature Methods doi:10.1038/nmeth0410-261
Nonlinear optical microscopy lets researchers see chemical composition in living cells and organisms.
Monya Baker1
A couple years ago, Annika Enejder confronted confusing results from her studies of lipid storage in the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans. Fluorescence microscopy images very clearly showed a decrease in signal from lipid droplets when the worms were treated with statins, a widely prescribed class of cholesterol-lowering drugs. But simultaneous experiments using another type of microscopy, which visualizes lipids directly, showed no such thing. In fact, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy identified lipid droplets where they could not be observed with fluorescence techniques.
What had happened was that worms fed with the commonly used fluorescent dye Nile red processed it as a toxin: instead of being localized to lipid droplets, the dye was sequestered in intestinal lysozome-like granules interspersed among lipid droplets. In fact, the dye can be misleading in other ways: statins themselves seem to affect either its staining or fluorescence. “There are so many artifacts that you have to take into account when using fluorophores,” says Enejder, a scientist at the Chalmers University of Technology in G?teborg, Sweden.
No one can deny the power of fluorescent probes and molecular stains to see the inner workings of cells, but such labels have considerable drawbacks. Delivering labels can be a problem, particularly for whole organisms. Some labels work only on dead cells; others damage cells or perturb the very processes they are intended to study. Label-free microscopy offers a way to investigate living cells while eliminating a slew of possible artifacts. Though some techniques rely on endogenous fluorophores (Box 1), most eschew fluorescence all together, along with the well-known problem of photobleaching. Instead of detecting photons emitted from excited fluorophores, these alternate techniques detect subtle changes in light as it is absorbed or altered by biological samples, relying on the nonlinear optical phenomena observed when high-intensity light moves through matter. In essence, pulses of laser light can be used to 'see' chemical composition: the C-H bonds of lipids, the amide bonds of proteins, the reduced or oxidized states of certain biomolecules, the regularly repeating units of microtubules or collagen.
Of course such techniques have their own limitations: whereas fluorescence labeling can often allow discrimination of single molecules, label-free techniques are less sensitive and specific. All but the most common substituents tend to be hidden in signals generated from a few abundant species. “What is nice is that you don't need any labeling; you can just start imaging,” explains Kees Jalink, a biophysicist at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, “but what is not so nice is that the signal is weak, you need a lot of power to irradiate a cell and may only get the coarsest of details.”
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